Introduction to Hanuman Garhi, Ayodhya


Hanuman Garhi is one of the most revered Hindu temples in Ayodhya, a city deeply embedded in the spiritual and cultural fabric of India. Situated in the heart of Ayodhya, this temple holds immense religious significance for devotees, particularly those who follow Lord Hanuman and Lord Rama.

Historical Significance

The Legend and Origins

The history of Hanuman Garhi is intertwined with the legendary tales of Ramayana. According to Hindu mythology, Hanuman Garhi was the location where Lord Hanuman resided, guarding Ayodhya and waiting in service of Lord Rama. The temple is believed to be centuries old, with its origins traced back to ancient times, even predating the construction of many other significant temples in Ayodhya.

Architectural Evolution

Over the centuries, the temple has undergone various renovations and expansions. Its current structure, characterized by distinct Hindu architectural features, is a result of contributions made by various devotees and rulers over time. The temple is renowned for its unique fort-like appearance, complete with a circular bastion and a stunning gateway.

Location and Setting

Geographical Context

Hanuman Garhi is centrally located in Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh, India. The temple sits atop a hill, requiring visitors to ascend a flight of 76 steps to reach the main sanctum. This elevated position not only provides a strategic view of the entire city but also symbolizes the elevated spiritual status of Lord Hanuman.

The Surrounding Area

The area around Hanuman Garhi is marked by narrow lanes filled with smaller temples and shops selling religious artifacts and offerings. The bustling environment reflects the deep-rooted religious practices and the daily life of pilgrims and residents alike.

Visiting Hanuman Garhi

Timings and Aarti Schedule

The temple is open to visitors every day of the week. The timings for darshan (visitation) are typically from early morning to late evening, with a break in the afternoon. The aarti, a ritual of worship with hymns and offerings, is conducted twice daily – once at dawn and once at dusk. These aarti sessions are significant events, attracting large numbers of devotees.

Festivals and Special Occasions

Hanuman Garhi becomes a focal point of celebration during Hindu festivals, especially those related to Lord Rama and Lord Hanuman. Events like Ram Navami, Hanuman Jayanti, and Diwali see the temple decorated elaborately, with special rituals and offerings being made.

How to Reach Hanuman Garhi

By Air

The nearest airport to Ayodhya is in Faizabad, which is approximately 5 kilometers away. From the airport, visitors can hire taxis or take local transportation to reach Hanuman Garhi.

By Rail

Ayodhya is well-connected by train to major cities in India. The Ayodhya Railway Station is the closest, and from there, local transportation is readily available to reach the temple.

By Road

Ayodhya has a good network of roads connecting it with other cities. Buses, taxis, and auto-rickshaws are common modes of transport used by pilgrims and tourists to get to Hanuman Garhi.

Conclusion: The Spiritual Essence of Hanuman Garhi

Hanuman Garhi is not just a temple; it’s a testament to the unwavering faith and devotion of millions of Hindus. The temple serves as a beacon of hope and spiritual strength. Its historical and cultural significance goes beyond mere architectural beauty, representing a deep, enduring connection to the divine. For devotees and visitors, a trip to Hanuman Garhi is a journey into the heart of Hindu spirituality, offering a glimpse into the rich tapestry of mythology, faith, and cultural heritage that defines Ayodhya.

This overview provides a comprehensive look at Hanuman Garhi, touching on its historical, cultural, and spiritual importance, as well as practical information for those planning to visit.


  • Kylie Jefferson
    Posted December 13, 2018 1:55 pm 0Likes

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    • Mike Dawson
      Posted December 13, 2018 1:56 pm 0Likes

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